


Yesterday my new employee started and I am SO EXCITED! While this week and next will likely be mostly training her and getting her acquainted with everything, I’m thrilled to grow my team and be able to delegate. Aside from seasonal interns, I’ve been a one-woman-show since this blog launched in 2011! With all of the various social media channels and apps, my newsletter, plus all of the content I create on the blog, I really just needed a right hand to help me with everything.

In addition to having a better work-life balance with this new employee, I’m also eager to focus on some of the bigger ideas I’ve had for my blog! There are many tedious little things to deal with behind-the-scenes over here, so offloading some of that is hopefully going to allow me to create even more of the content you guys crave. With this new time I’m planning to do more videos (on InstaStories, IGTV, and maybe dabble in YouTube again!!), create more lifestyle content (cooking! fitness! home!), and create helpful posts like this more often. She’s also going to be helping me create more content for Sussex Style Watch, so definitely make sure you’re following over there too!

As always, thank you for your continued support and following along as we embark on a new chapter together! Oh, and here’s this week’s EDIT.


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